Bess de Farber wrote a new post, Stories of Grant-seeking Adventures in the DH, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2015 right now
Have you wondered about how successful DH grant-seeking is achieved? It begins with conversations about what we have in terms of resources, what we have done in the past, and what we want to do in the future. […]
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Bess de Farber are now friends right now
Bess de Farber wrote a new post, Grants Preparation…it doesn’t have to be painful, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2014 right now
Find out how to avoid wasting time preparing proposals that may not be feasible. This session will breakdown the process developed to support librarians in their pursuit of grant funding, and to build a successful […]
Bess de Farber wrote a new post, What’s the backstory… Collaborating with Strangers workshops?, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2014 right now
CoLAB Planning Series® workshops have been facilitated since 2002 and have served over 1740 participants in nonprofits and academic institutions. Learn the keys to creating engaging and creative connections using […]
Bess de Farber wrote a new post, Move Around the Room, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2014 right now
Move Around the Room is a fun facilitated ice-breaker to meet participants during short 1-2 minute conversations. This session is best used at the start of a conference to assist participants in getting […]
Bess de Farber
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