dougseefeldt and
Amanda Rust are now friends right now
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Taking the First Byte: DH Student Projects, on the site THATCamp Harvard 2014 right now
I’d also be interested in a discussion on this topic. One aspect I’m seeing is faculty looking for a 2-4 week DH assignment that fits into their larger syllabus and course, particularly at the undergrad level. Are […]
emily_arkin and
Amanda Rust are now friends right now
Robin Davis and
Amanda Rust are now friends right now
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Data sets for the arts and humanities, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Please feel free to edit and adapt the doc as needed! I had been planning on doing some more cleanup myself but haven’t gotten to it. Our Google doc is here.
Amanda Rust wrote a new post, Data sets for the arts and humanities, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
While many excellent guides to data sets for the sciences and social sciences already exist, I’d like to develop a list of likely sources for arts and humanities folks. (Or maybe this also already exists, in […]
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Let’s Make a MOOC! Crowdsourcing an Information Literacy MOOC, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Adding to the chorus: this is a great idea, and count me in, too.
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Session proposal: obstacles to learning code (and how we surmount them), on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
I have tried to learn to code and failed and have opinions. This session sounds great!
Amanda Rust wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Collaboration Across Professions, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
As distributed technology projects call for our collaboration with a more and more diverse group of people, what are some simple, day-to-day methods for working with folks from very different professions?
This […]
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Session proposal: emerging technologies for futurists, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
I love this idea, particularly as a corrective to some of the fear and gloom and doom you see in a lot of library leadership publications. ACRL put out a Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians doc in 2010, and […]
Amanda Rust wrote a new post, Session Proposal: GLAM Workshops with Impact, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
Like it or not, the typical “outreach session” for any GLAM institution is a single, one-shot, sixty minute workshop. I’ll set aside our desires to be better integrated into the semester curriculum, or museum […]
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Session Proposal:Teaching Media, Digital, Computer and Information Literacies, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Session Proposal: The MOOC Experience, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
The perils of typing on an iPad — hit post too soon. I meant to finish with: this should be a fruitful topic! MOOCs tie into a lot of interesting discussions of teaching and learning, course design, and public humanities.
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Session Proposal: The MOOC Experience, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
There was also some interesting discussion at the recent Modern Language Association convention in Boston about if / how MOOCs get sort of lumped in with Digital Humanities, even though many folks in DH might […]
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Session Proposal: After the End: How Libraries can Support the Continuity and Preservation of Digital Humanities Projects, on the site THATCamp Libraries 2013 right now
Ithaka S+R just released a great Sustainability Health Check Tool for this kind of question. The tool (and larger report that goes with it) implies the kind of hand off that Frank describes, I think: once a […]
Amanda Rust changed their profile picture right now
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Make session: digital bibliographies, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I would love to participate — count me in, too.
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Talk session: Aesthetics and Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp Modern Language Association Boston 2013 right now
I’d be interested in this as well. At THATCamp New England we had a great discussion around a possibly related theme: Where are all the artists? We focused somewhat on the role of the artist / designer in […]
Amanda Rust wrote a new post, Digital humanities, public humanities, and K-12 education, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
As exciting as new university DH Centers are, as much as they open up new methods of scholarship, I wonder how much their reach extends beyond universities to K-12 education and the general public. How have […]
Amanda Rust commented on the post, Dinghies and Ocean Liners – DH projects of different sizes, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I think there’s interesting overlap with a session I proposed here, only you articulated better than I the concerns about locking oneself into only an ad hoc or only a programmatic approach. I’d definitely enjoy […]
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Amanda Rust
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