Andrew Battista commented on the post, Creating an Omeka site with Amazon Web Services, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
I’m sure we’ll get more time to talk this weekend, but I’d love to get a little bit of help on installing Omeka plugins. Which ones are best, how do you actually install them? etc…
Rebecca Johnson and
Andrew Battista are now friends right now
Andrew Battista commented on the post, Creating an Omeka site with Amazon Web Services, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
This is going to be a great session and discussion. Looking forward to it!
Andrew Battista wrote a new post, Workshop: Explorations in Digital Storytelling, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
When people talk about digital storytelling, they usually mean the use of some form of media production to share a story. I want to propose a session in which we explore possibilities for designing assignments […]
Andrew Battista commented on the post, Session Proposal: "Badges? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges!" . . . , on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
Another place to look is this post from the THATCamp Games blog:
Andrew Battista wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Studying Games at a Liberal Arts College, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
I’m interested in the ways that games, game studies, libraries, digital humanities, and liberal arts curriculum intersect, even though I’m not always completely sure how they intersect, especially from a […]
Andrew Battista commented on the post, Session Proposal: "Badges? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Badges!" . . . , on the site THATCamp Southeast 2012 right now
This is a great idea for a discussion to have. The whole badge movement championed by Cathy Davidson and others bothers me in a way, but it also excites me because it suggests a new way of evaluating students. […]
Andrew Battista
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