Amy French wrote a new post, Delta THATCamp 2018 Cancelled, on the site Delta's Digital Pedagogy THATCamp right now
We are saddened to make the announcement that due to low registration we are canceling Delta College’s THATCamp that was scheduled for August 20, 2018. We plan to host another THATCamp during the 2018/2019 […]
Amy French wrote a new post, THATCamp at Delta Coming Soon!, on the site THATCamp Delta College 2017 right now
Hi all,
We are looking forward to a fun day of sharing and learning on Monday, August 21. We plan to meet and greet one another at 10:30 in A135, which is a room within Delta’s library before dividing up into […]
Amy French wrote a new post, Welcome to Delta's THATCamp 2017, on the site THATCamp Delta College 2017 right now
Delta College is hosting its 3rd Annual THATCamp on Monday, August 21. We’ll start our day at 10:30 a.m. in A135 (room inside library). We expect two sessions from 11-12 and 12:30-1:30. The first 40 registrants […]
Amy French
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