amanda watson commented on the post, Browsing the DVD collection digitally, on the site THATCamp New England 2010 right now
Good idea! Social tagging might be one way to get around the genre issue (similar to the way it works in LibraryThing, which lets users browse by tags like “Chick lit” or “Dystopia” as well as by LC subject […]
amanda watson commented on the post, Information Overload: Condensing a wealth of resources into a format digestible for students, on the site THATCamp New England 2010 right now
I’m definitely interested in a session like this, because I see this all the time, and while it’s not a new problem (I’m looking forward to Ann Blair’s forthcoming book Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly […]
amanda watson commented on the post, Visualizing time, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I’m definitely interested in talking about the larger role of visualization. And I think the “point of diminishing returns” question is a very good one to raise — if a tool is too complex to learn/use, if the […]
amanda watson commented on the post, Literary mapping and spatial markup, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I suspect that fuzzy (or fluffy) data are one of the hallmarks of the humanities. I can see the potential for a conversation on the role of imprecision in the decision to adopt sciencey or non-sciencey approaches […]
amanda watson commented on the post, Literary mapping and spatial markup, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
Barbara: Yay! We must compare notes, then. TEI’s pretty easy to learn, I’ve found, especially if you have any kind of background with XML. And it’s interesting to think about because it’s really all about acts of […]
amanda watson commented on the post, From History Student to Webmaster?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
This transformation also happens a lot among librarians — there are plenty of people working with IT in libraryland who weren’t formally trained in it but picked up the experience here, there, and yon. One of the […]
amanda watson wrote a new post, Literary mapping and spatial markup, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 right now
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the uses of digital maps in literary study, partly because I’ve been thinking about the connections between place and memory for a long time, and partly because I got […]
amanda watson
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