Alexis Lothian wrote a new post, Inspiration from Open Space Conferences, on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
Information here!
There are five principles that describe what happen in OPEN SPACE:
Whoever comes are the right people.
Wherever it happens is the right place.
Whatever happens is the only […]
Alexis Lothian wrote a new post, What are you able to teach others at THATCamp #transformDH?, on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
Importance of diversity in graduate school
I figured out how the UMD vinyl-cutter works and administered a digital photo archive on WordPress this summer.
I have learned NodeXl to create data viz.
I have […] -
Alexis Lothian wrote a new post, What are people hoping to learn at THATCamp #transformDH?, on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
I’d like to observe and learn from the format
How to run an unconference in an academic setting
I want to learn more about the digital humanities in practice and make professional connections in a field I […] -
Alexis Lothian wrote a new post, Talk session: Making #transformDH work: career and other prospects, on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
Undergraduate students get energised by the possibilities of the #transformDH kind of digital humanities, where critical race, gender, disability studies and hands-on digital practices come together. What kinds of […]
Alexis Lothian wrote a new post, Talk session: The future of #transformDH?, on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
#transformDH has gone from a idea to a hashtag to a collective to a conference, and from a self-styled “guerilla movement” to something with institutional support. Where should we go from here? Is #transformDH […]
Alexis Lothian commented on the post, Teach/Talk session: "Can you show me how to ____?", on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
Beginning with a question that was asked in registration: can someone show how to make a .gif out of still images?
Alexis Lothian wrote a new post, Teach/Talk session: "Can you show me how to ____?", on the site THATCamp TransformDH right now
This will be a session for exchanging everyday technical questions and knowledge. Is there something you’ve been trying to figure out how to do – something you don’t think is big enough to propose a whole session […]
Alexis Lothian
active right now