Aaron Beveridge wrote a new post, MassMine: One year later, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2014 10 years ago
Last year at THATCamp there was an informal presentation about humanities software development and MassMine. At that point we did have functional code written that could systematically collect data from Twitter, […]
Aaron Beveridge commented on the post, NO MORE! Servers in Our Homes, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2015 10 years ago
A big step forward for MassMine was when LT said: “You’re still using a server in your home?”
I’ll never forget it!
Aaron Beveridge and
Anastasia Kozak are now friends 11 years ago
Laurie and
Aaron Beveridge are now friends 11 years ago
Aaron Beveridge commented on the post, Humanities Software Development: Data Mining and Writing Studies, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2014 11 years ago
Laurie and other folks at UF Library and UF Research Computing have been helping us move into the beta test phase with our development. As it stands right now, MassMine must be used in a terminal […]
Aaron Beveridge wrote a new post, Humanities Software Development: Data Mining and Writing Studies, on the site THATCamp Gainesville 2014 11 years ago
Aaron Beveridge
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