Beh pre THATCamp rady

podľa Amanda French Kategórie: Administratívne

Now that we’ve revised the THATCamp Council Charter and have worked out the election process, I want to encourage everyone who thinks they might be eligible, able, and willing to run for the THATCamp Council to do so. In the last ten days or so I’ve been calling for candidates on the THATCamp organizers email list, and we do already have several excellent candidates for the 4 otvorené sedadlá, but I’m well aware that not everyone who has helped organize a THATCamp is on that list. If you haven’t been following the THATCamp Council Charter revision process, here are the answers to some questions you might have about the Council.

Who is eligible to run for the THATCamp Council?

Každý, kto pomohol organizovať THATCamp budú môcť slúžiť v Rade.

What are the responsibilities of THATCamp Council members?

  • Podpora THATCamp organizátormi, účastníci, a rádoby účastníkmi, najmä
    • odpovede na otázky týkajúce sa fóra THATCamp
    • vytváranie a revíziu pomoc doklady o
    • riadenie THATCamp sociálnych médií účtov
    • navštevovať a / alebo organizovanie THATCamps
  • Dodržiavanie základných THATCamp hodnoty
  • Nastavenie dlhodobé smerovanie projektu THATCamp
  • Tvorba a revízia komunitných procesov, politiky, a dokumenty správy
  • Riešenie konfliktov komunity

How long is the term?

Podmienky Rady (vrátane funkčného obdobia predsedu a RRCHNM zástupcu) sú dva rokov dlhé, ale členovia môžu obsahovať neobmedzený počet termínov, ak sú znovu zvolený, alebo opätovne vymenovaní.

How often will the Council meet?

Rada sa schádza najmenej trikrát ročne za účelom prerokovania a (ak je to nutné) hlasovanie o otázkach záujmu THATCamp Spoločenstva. Všeobecne, stretnutia sa môžu konať on-line, prostredníctvom konferenčného hovoru, alebo osobne.

How do I run for the Council?

Napísať by Monday, 3/17 indicating that you’d like to run. Include a few lines about why you want to run for the THATCamp Council, perhaps also addressing why you think THATCamp is important and/or directions you’d like to see THATCamp go.

When will the election take place?

I’d like to open the week-long voting period by the end of the day on Monday, 3/17. I’ll post your reasons for running that day along with a link to your THATCamp profile, available from our People page at The election process is described more fully in the THATCamp Council Charter.

Prosím see the THATCamp Council Charter if you have more questions, or of course write me (Stoličky THATCamp Rady pre TEM) pri .

  1. Profilová fotka

    Might be worth noting under the “How long is the term” section that, according to the charter, one person in addition to me, Amanda, and Tom will be asked to serve a 1 year term. So if people are hesitant about a 2 year commitment, for this first go-round one additional person will only be there for 1 rok. To my knowledge, how we choose that one additional person will be figured out at the first meeting among us. Teda, and 1-year volunteers might make the Council’s first decision easier!

rchné Mellon Mellon