THATCamp Council Meeting — major agenda items

da Patrick Murray-John Categorie: Amministrativo

The next meeting of the THATCamp Council will be held Wednesday, Ottobre 5 a 8am East Coast USA / 11pm Canberra / 2pm Paris.

There are major topics on the agenda:

Since these are clearly major decisions, we’d like as much feedback here from the THATCamp community as possible.

Some discussion questions at play are:

  • Does THATCamp Council serve a purpose? Could it serve a new or better purpose? If it continues to exist, what might its role be? If it dissolves, what might be the repercussions?
  • Is needed to continue new THATCamps? Are new or continuing THATCamps needed in the first place, or is the model well-enough know that it doesn’t need the label/branding of THATCamp?

Please leave comments and thoughts about these issues to help us think through what THATCamp is now, what it might be in the future, and what the best way to meet the needs of people who have attended THATCamps might be.

The meeting will be held via Skype, and all are invited to share your thoughts there, troppo. Just leave your Skype username in the comments.

RCHN Mellon Mellon