Kontaktný formulár pre moju THATCamp je prerušené!

Domov Diskusné Fóra Technické problémy Kontaktný formulár pre moju THATCamp je prerušené!

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  • Autor
  • #5212
    Patrick Murray, John
    Účastník (Participant)

    The contact form for THATCamp sites created before Jan 12, 2015 appears broken, showing only the WordPress shortcode for generating the form:

    [contact-form-7 id="123" title="Contact"]

    What happened, and how can I fix it?

    We discovered a bug in the creation of new THATCamp sites in which the contact form created sent emails to @ Thatcamp.org">info@ Thatcamp.org (an email address we are trying to phase out), instead of the organizer. The current maintainer of that email (ma, your friendly neighborhood THATCamp Council Chair Patrick), will forward emails as quickly as I can.

    Existing sites should be able to go to your site’s admin pages and under plugins activate Contact Form 7. This will let you enter the accurate email address for your THATCamp organizer, and make the shortcode work again.


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