joanna active right now
  • As a point -and -click enthusiast from way back, I appreciate your project. As a community college professor, I am always trying to convey usability in a much simpler way than many programs allow.

  • joanna commented on the post, The Sound of Drafting, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now


    I teach in a lab which has microphones and headsets and has one copy of Kurzweil for the whole lab. I’m not certain that we’ll be getting any more copies soon, which makes my urge to normalize problematic. […]

  • joanna wrote a new post, The Sound of Drafting, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2010 right now

    I am interested in seeing how audio is being used in classroom technology–whether it be website browsers like Browse-Aloud, or with video/podcasts of classes or student papers, or word-processing programs like […]

RCHN Mellon Mellon