Erica Kierulf active right now

Creator of Black Womyn's Visual Art, a digital medium which celebrates the artistic genius of women of the African diaspora; showcases Black women visual artists -activists; and explores the potency and complexity of Black womanish creativity. Creator of BlackWOMENCode, a twitter group of 300+ women of color and their supporters who learn code languages, teach code languages and empower others to do the same. Creator of afrifemWEBgenius, a group of women of color improving digital literacy one brilliant click at a time. We are life long learners who move beyond our limitations as "online consumers" to assume exciting new roles as digitally creative curators and webconstructors of complex content. Literate in HTML, CSS, JAVA. Nacent Rubyist. Research interests: contemporary African American women's visual arts and cultural ethics.

Position/Job Title:Ph.D. Candidate
Organization:Union Presbyterian Seminary
RCHN Mellon Mellon