Meanwhile, that person’s registration form is not recorded in the system so the admin for THATCamp Gainesville can’t approve the new registration and give the user access.
I looked up the general error message, and one post suggested the issue was browser/cache/plugin related, and another suggested going in as network admin(?) to add the user:
Any trouble shooting suggestions are welcome.
]]>However, so far I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue — whenever I test the registration form it seems to work fine. My current plan is to write some of the affected users individually (I’ve got a list, and I know a few of them) and see if I can pinpoint what (if anything) they were doing differently from the other users for whom registration worked properly.
Meanwhile, if you do have a list of people you want added to your site, I can certainly do that for you manually. You had said in email that there were also issues with trying to add these users with Users –> Add Existing and with activation links not working, so I need to do some testing on that, too, but I can add users without their having to click an activation link.