政策 – THATCamp https://thatcamp.org/zh/ 人文科学与技术营 Sat, 29 二月 2020 13:59:13 +0000 zh hourly 1 HTTPS://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 从分钟 2/17/15 会议 https://thatcamp.org/zh/forums/topic/minutes-from-21715-meeting/ 周三, 18 二月 2015 00:54:35 +0000 http://thatcamp.org/forums/topic/minutes-from-21715-meeting/-zh

THATCamp会议纪要2月17日, 2015 通过Skype的音频会议召开, 没有记录
采取弥Vandegrift分钟 & 编辑和发布的阿曼达法国

现在: 帕特里克, 阿曼达, 杰夫, 阿纳斯塔西娅, 弥迦书
缺席: 弗雷德里克, 该

* thatcamp.org 服务器迁移到虚拟主机回收

RRCHNM已同意斥资40 /每月移动到回收托管. 看 reclaimhosting.com. 帕特里克已经赋予他们和RRCHNM系统管理员罗伯托. 回收托管大概可以减轻THATCamp停机时间和糟糕的服务器性能, 特别是因为他们有很多经验与庞大的WordPress网站,如 THATCamp.org.

阿曼达建议,这些问题可能​​是由于一个代码的问题, 但她一直未能大量的测试后,将其隔离. 三峡布恩可以拉来看待事物: 他可能给时间一两个小时免费. 移动到一个新的主机应该帮助的问题, 但是,如果它不, 我们可能会遇到一个群众募资活动支付布恩三峡给代码库检修.

N.B.: 虽然回收主机是由吉姆·新郎和蒂姆·欧文斯资, 谁的工作或UMW没有工作, 回收主机本身是一个独立的公司,拥有或UMW冲突的官方关系. Jeff McClurken, 从委员会成员UMW, 没有任何连接到主机回收和利益,因此没有冲突. 移动到回收的想法来自帕特里克.

移动在未来的两个星期应该发生, 由二月底, before large numbers of THATCamps happen in March.

* 商标问题

该 “THATCamp” 商标已经从乔治·梅森在公司的数字奖学金, 其经营Omeka和Zotero只 — 看 digitalscholar.org. 我们是否应该商标 “THAT____” 前缀坎/技术埃德事件? 通常, 我们一致认为会走得太远.

阿曼达将编辑THATCamp宪章,以反映商标所有权变更, 并且将其写入汤姆Scheinfeldt询问有关CDS的非盈利状态,以便使安理会能够给出关于它的准确信息. 还会询问有关更新CDS关于页面,以反映THATCamp.

弥迦书表明,它也可能是有用的知道谁/什么组织持有版权的THATCamp-ERY附属对象, 图像, 标志, 等. — 大体, GMU拥有版权的THATCamp的东西, 但是代码和标志等都是行货CC-BY.

* 论坛振兴<出奇的低流量有. 如何激发更多的思考和讨论?

阿曼达承认她可能有被宠坏大家通过回复发送到电子邮件 info@thatca米p.org 四年. 还, 该网站的业绩不佳可能是导致低使用论坛.

Micah and others suggest an information architecture point: 该 “论坛” 菜单项可以被搬到了自己的标签, 而不是下 “救命。” 普遍认为,这将是一个好主意. 阿曼达会做.

有些论坛的项目隐藏在公众视线. 例如, 登录到网站理事会的议程Feb15不可见,除非. 还, 除非你是登录的最新数据THATCamps主页没有更新. 这些问题可能​​是由于侵略性缓存. 帕特里克和阿曼达将考虑它.

* THATCamp总理

* 帕特里克报告说,他的目标是组织THATCamp总理夏末 2015 以免与THATCamp弗吉尼亚州和THATCamp DC相冲突. It might be themed around providing guidance to the “THATCamp国家。” 没准它会在乔治·梅森大学的校园阿灵顿. 它会是一个更大的交易, 不同类型的营地? 一些建议是由对不同种类的格式或主题THATCamp总理. 帕特里克将与斯蒂芬·罗伯逊讨论, RRCHNM主任.

* THATCamp议会选举即将到来!

多德, 没有人能相信它! 已是过了一年已? 我们要呼吁尽快提名人! 该, 杰夫和阿曼达被选举或任命的任期一年 (只是这个词, 只是让委员会成员任期两年将在未来错开): 他们可以再次运行,如果他们喜欢. 弥迦书, 阿纳斯塔西娅, 弗雷德里克当选为任期两年,因此将留了一年. 帕特里克是RRCHNM任命, 这样他就可以留在或获得RRCHNM委任别人. 帕特里克任期主席也将到期. 我们希望确保托管此举不会影响选举进程. 谷歌文档可以采用.

* THATCamp诉讼

弥伸手ACRL DH兴趣小组希望产生在DH 图书馆策划THATCamp的诉讼的特殊问题,有一些兴趣. 看 proceedings.thatcamp.org.

就这样,直到下一次! 我们忘了安排下一次会议, 虽然 …

九月会议议程 https://thatcamp.org/zh/forums/topic/september-meeting-agenda/ Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:34:29 +0000 http://thatcamp.org/forums/topic/september-meeting-agenda/-zh

周三. 七 17 11AM via Skype.

任何额外的专题或澄清, 请发表评论

* 语
* 当加问THATCamps遵循它
* 票!

* 问题 2 发布
* 文档?

* 重定向, 但奇怪的

thatcamp.org 服务器工作


从分钟 6/16 立法会会议 https://thatcamp.org/zh/forums/topic/minutes-from-616-council-meeting/ Mon, 16 Jun 2014 20:19:58 +0000 http://thatcamp.org/forums/topic/minutes-from-616-council-meeting/-zh

1. 反骚扰政策
drafted based on Code4Lib/Geek Feminism
Discussed next steps — ready to share with community?
Amanda will write a blog post and promote it.
Group decided that once draft is finalized, it would be the inclination of the council that all that camps would adopt this policy as one of the things they agree to when hosting a camp.

2. Communication Strategy?
Do we need one? What is the institutional knowledge on this?
Amanda says media contacts have been infrequent in the past.
Decided there wasn’t a pressing need for a strategy.
CHNM Rep will be the default person in this role.

3. Care and feeding of “Proceedings”

Frederic shared – books.openedition.org/editionsmsh/2181

– Patrick meeting with Amon to discuss strategies for turn over/website maintenance generally.
– Amanda discussed the details of how it works; much is automated from local TC sites. “Favorites” go to the front page.
– Current maintenance – change shortcode every 3 months to pull favorite posts from past three months.
– Possible to change the front page by hits/stats on a local THATCamp sites?
– We could make it clear in the Documentation of THATCamp that favoriting sends items to the Proceedings page.
– Amanda will release Issue 2 on July 1st and write a post about Proceedings uses and how-tos.
– Frederic can investigate different ways to curate the front page.

4. Move Counselors/organizers email list to Forums – unanimously agreed.
Who is the one contact person? Always the Chair?
Do we need a public email address for anyone to send email q’s to?
Use 我nfo@th一tcamp.org for non-public questions – Redirect to the CHNM person.

Make clear on the About/Contact page that most questions can and should be directed to the Forums.

Amanda edited the About page to reflect these suggestions. Will forward info@thatc一mP.或g to Patrick instead of Amon.

5. that.camp域
If we don’t jump on it someone else probably will. Patrick will investigate and grab it through CHNM, hopefully.

thatca.mp set up to have link shortener. How do we use that? Currently redirects to thatcamp.org

6. Templates for THATCamp merch
We already have that – www.zazzle.com/thatcamp

7. Changes to the Charter
Amanda will finalize.

8. Help page for Funding and Proceedings
Amanda will complete.

9. Plan next meeting
quarterly – early Fall
Mid-Sept, deadline for Anti-Harassment policy late Aug.

10. New business/Old business?
Patrick attended THATCamp New England
Micah attended THATCamp Gainesville

这还算是一种THATCamp? https://thatcamp.org/zh/forums/topic/is-it-still-a-thatcamp/ 周三, 28 五月 2014 14:02:32 +0000 http://thatcamp.org/forums/topic/is-it-still-a-thatcamp/-zh

2014 will be THATCamp Philly’s 4th year. 但, we have been having severe drop offs in attendance and pre-unconference participation the previous two years. We had our suspicions as to why, but surveyed organizers and participants to clarify why they were not coming and it was clear that many of the issues could be tied to fatigue with the unconference format. In order to try and answer these concerns and keep the event going we have decided to mix things up a bit, leaving/stripping unconference bits people liked/disliked while adding in traditional conference parts people appear to be missing.

We’re all fine with trying out this experiment this year, but it raised questions internally about whether or not it can still be branded as a THATCamp, so that is my question to the group. Below are how we are transforming things, so let us know what you think on the whole branding angle. The main concerns are with reduction (not elimination) of the self-organizing and spontaneous aspects. Not all of these changes are something outside of other THATCamps but I wanted to be complete:

-Moving from two day format (Fri/Sat) to one day format (Fri)
-Introducing a theme for the first time (TBD)
-Holding structured workshops in tracks throughout the day by pre-determined leaders
-Holding unconference sessions in simultaneous time slots with the workshops
-Adding additional networking opportunities during the day separate from sessions and workshops

There are other changes but are more on the detail side. I would like to add that the organizing group is not closed and we always encourage new people to join. With the workshops in particular, 但, we have had to start planning months in advance and the vast majority of attendees show no interest in working on organizing until they arrive at the event and even then it is iffy. Last year we had a real struggle getting people to propose unconference sessions ahead of time through the THATCamp’s site or the day of.
