harassment – THATCamp https://thatcamp.org/zh/ 人文科学与技术营 Sat, 29 二月 2020 13:59:13 +0000 zh hourly 1 HTTPS://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 九月会议议程 https://thatcamp.org/zh/forums/topic/september-meeting-agenda/ Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:34:29 +0000 http://thatcamp.org/forums/topic/september-meeting-agenda/-zh

周三. 七 17 11AM via Skype.

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* 当加问THATCamps遵循它
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* 问题 2 发布
* 文档?

* 重定向, 但奇怪的

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从分钟 6/16 立法会会议 https://thatcamp.org/zh/forums/topic/minutes-from-616-council-meeting/ Mon, 16 Jun 2014 20:19:58 +0000 http://thatcamp.org/forums/topic/minutes-from-616-council-meeting/-zh

1. 反骚扰政策
drafted based on Code4Lib/Geek Feminism
Discussed next steps — ready to share with community?
Amanda will write a blog post and promote it.
Group decided that once draft is finalized, it would be the inclination of the council that all that camps would adopt this policy as one of the things they agree to when hosting a camp.

2. Communication Strategy?
Do we need one? What is the institutional knowledge on this?
Amanda says media contacts have been infrequent in the past.
Decided there wasn’t a pressing need for a strategy.
CHNM Rep will be the default person in this role.

3. Care and feeding of “Proceedings”

Frederic shared – books.openedition.org/editionsmsh/2181

– Patrick meeting with Amon to discuss strategies for turn over/website maintenance generally.
– Amanda discussed the details of how it works; much is automated from local TC sites. “Favorites” go to the front page.
– Current maintenance – change shortcode every 3 months to pull favorite posts from past three months.
– Possible to change the front page by hits/stats on a local THATCamp sites?
– We could make it clear in the Documentation of THATCamp that favoriting sends items to the Proceedings page.
– Amanda will release Issue 2 on July 1st and write a post about Proceedings uses and how-tos.
– Frederic can investigate different ways to curate the front page.

4. Move Counselors/organizers email list to Forums – unanimously agreed.
Who is the one contact person? Always the Chair?
Do we need a public email address for anyone to send email q’s to?
Use 我nfo@thatcamp.oŗg for non-public questions – Redirect to the CHNM person.

Make clear on the About/Contact page that most questions can and should be directed to the Forums.

Amanda edited the About page to reflect these suggestions. Will forward 我n˚Fo@that如mP.该rg to Patrick instead of Amon.

5. that.camp域
If we don’t jump on it someone else probably will. Patrick will investigate and grab it through CHNM, hopefully.

thatca.mp set up to have link shortener. How do we use that? Currently redirects to thatcamp.org

6. Templates for THATCamp merch
We already have that – www.zazzle.com/thatcamp

7. Changes to the Charter
Amanda will finalize.

8. Help page for Funding and Proceedings
Amanda will complete.

9. Plan next meeting
quarterly – early Fall
Mid-Sept, deadline for Anti-Harassment policy late Aug.

10. New business/Old business?
Patrick attended THATCamp New England
Micah attended THATCamp Gainesville
