registrácia – THATCamp V humanitné a technológie Camp Sat, 29 Február 2020 13:59:13 +0000 sk hourly 1 Registrácia nového užívateľa zakázané na hlavnej stránke THATCamp Tue, 23 Jul 2019 15:42:15 +0000

Hi all — to by vás neovplyvní vôbec, ak ste oprávnený používateľ, ale dnes som zakázaná registrácia užívateľov na hlavné THATCamp miesto pri kvôli nedávnej záplave registrácia užívateľa spam a spam diskusné príspevky. Ak chcete, aby sa zúčastnil THATCamp, stále sa môžete zaregistrovať cez podriadený tohto tábora (ako Ak nechcete mať THATCamp účet a chcú zaregistrovať THATCamp, použite náš Kontaktovať formulár žiadosti o účet. Dajte mi vedieť, ak máte nejaké problémy!

Registration: need 3 days listed in drop down Mon, 10 Apr 2017 20:02:58 +0000

Naše thatCamp bude pre,,en,Môže Rozbaľovací byť zmenený na dosiahnutie tohto cieľa,,en,neľahko,,en,tieto možnosti sú kódované do vlastnej plugin,,en,Ale dovoľte mi, aby som sa pozrieť,,en,Myslím, že to dokážem,,en 3 dni. Can the dropdown be changed to accomplish this?

Unable to post Mon, 27 Február 2017 21:54:45 +0000

Hi there! I would like to upload the document resulting from my THATCamp Florida session. Unfortunately, I do not see the “Post” option on the Dashboard sidebar where I normally see it on WordPress sites. Any help would be appreciated!

Registrations going missing Tue, 03 Máj 2016 14:49:26 +0000

Our camp is this Friday and i’m just now learning that many registrations have gone missing. When I heard about the first couple I figured it was user error, but now I’ve have about 10 people indicate that they filled out the form on the Register page but for some reason it didn’t go through to the THATCamp registration database.

Any idea why? It’s a bit late to do anything now, but I’m getting nervous that we’re not going to have enough food…

Log in info not sent Tue, 22 Mar 2016 21:50:15 +0000

The THATCamp registration template says “You should receive a separate e-mail with your login and password information,” but campers trying to register for my THATCamp aren’t receiving this information. Is there a way I can manually set their log-in usernames & passwords? The wordpress log-in page has a link for new users to register, but that takes them to the main registrácia. Vďaka!

Campers not showing St, 24 Február 2016 16:16:15 +0000

Me again – I have registrations but I can see no Campers at Do I need to edit something on the template/widget side to get these up?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Ako zruším registráciu? St, 31 Decembra 2014 06:57:11 +0000

Our THATcamp DC2014 ended 7 months ago, and all was quiet until about four weeks ago I started getting notifications about these bogus new registrations pending. I get between 5-10 a day now. The names they use to register don’t match the emails, mostly @yahoo.s. I don’t want to delete the site, but I do want to close registration. It is getting tedious to mark them as spam one by one… No idea why all of the sudden our site is getting targeted, and what would they get out of joining, anyway? Akismet has filtered 431 bogus comments, FYI. Any directions would be most appreciated.

Registrujúci nezobrazuje pod autokaravany Fri, 03 Oct 2014 15:48:19 +0000

Potom, čo sme prijala nové registrácii sa nezobrazí na karte kempovaní. Naše stránky sú . V minulosti som si, že strana Tábornice budú automaticky vyplnené. Sa zmenilo?

Tiež, heads-up: aj potom, čo plugin Friends bol zakázaný, the site is running frustratingly slow.

THATCamp nezobrazuje v zozname / osobný účet Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:38:39 +0000

Hi all

Last Friday, we created the THATCamp page for THATCamp Belgium 2015: Však, the THATCamp is not visible in the list on your home page, nor in our personal “camps” page (

There were some server problems (500-errors) during the registration. Could this be related to the problem?

Using Paypal for registration fees St, 10 Sep 2014 19:42:50 +0000

We are organizing a THATCamp in 2015 as part of our regular conference and will be charging a low registration fee. We are aware that the Paypal plugin only allows for voluntary payment, but is there any reason why we can’t embed the code from Paypal that would generate a payment button to allow people to register/pay directly into our account? We don’t have a site up and running so we haven’t tested this out. Just trying to find out whether this is possible. Vďaka!

Anna Kijas

Is it still a THATCamp? St, 28 Máj 2014 14:02:32 +0000

2014 will be THATCamp Philly’s 4th year. Však, we have been having severe drop offs in attendance and pre-unconference participation the previous two years. We had our suspicions as to why, but surveyed organizers and participants to clarify why they were not coming and it was clear that many of the issues could be tied to fatigue with the unconference format. In order to try and answer these concerns and keep the event going we have decided to mix things up a bit, leaving/stripping unconference bits people liked/disliked while adding in traditional conference parts people appear to be missing.

We’re all fine with trying out this experiment this year, but it raised questions internally about whether or not it can still be branded as a THATCamp, so that is my question to the group. Below are how we are transforming things, so let us know what you think on the whole branding angle. The main concerns are with reduction (not elimination) of the self-organizing and spontaneous aspects. Not all of these changes are something outside of other THATCamps but I wanted to be complete:

-Moving from two day format (Fri/Sat) to one day format (Fri)
-Introducing a theme for the first time (TBD)
-Holding structured workshops in tracks throughout the day by pre-determined leaders
-Holding unconference sessions in simultaneous time slots with the workshops
-Adding additional networking opportunities during the day separate from sessions and workshops

There are other changes but are more on the detail side. I would like to add that the organizing group is not closed and we always encourage new people to join. With the workshops in particular, však, we have had to start planning months in advance and the vast majority of attendees show no interest in working on organizing until they arrive at the event and even then it is iffy. Last year we had a real struggle getting people to propose unconference sessions ahead of time through the THATCamp’s site or the day of.

Nová registrácia Error Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:00:07 +0000

When the participant submits the registration form, s/he is sent an email with a link to access the THATCamp Gainesville site. Však, when s/he click on the link, s/he get the following error message on the website: “You attempted to access the “THATCamp Gainesville 2014” dashboard, but you do not currently have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access the “THATCamp Gainesville 2014″ dashboard, please contact your network administrator.”

Meanwhile, that person’s registration form is not recorded in the system so the admin for THATCamp Gainesville can’t approve the new registration and give the user access.

I looked up the general error message, and one post suggested the issue was browser/cache/plugin related, and another suggested going in as network admin(?) to add the user:

Any trouble shooting suggestions are welcome.
