THATCamp | Dave Carroll | Activity Activity feed for Dave Carroll. Thu, 20 Feb 2020 22:23:31 +0000 en 30 hourly 2 f0d89996bad717a620c68c34872c0ea7-en Dave Carroll wrote a new post, Reaching Out: How do we bring the rest of our worlds in to DH?, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Sat, 04 Jun 2011 14:44:33 +0000 Based on a suggestion by Jay Cook, we propose a session focused on the question of connecting with the greater worlds/universes we all move in.

For technology staffers: how do we reach faculty who are […]

2f3bb9f55fc09d22bbc6207858761ef6-en Dave Carroll wrote a new post, "Ask the Undergrads", DH Edition, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Thu, 02 Jun 2011 23:18:45 +0000 EDIT: The session is over, and was a great conversation. Some sketchy notes on the proceedings are found here:


It seems at least three campers are currently […]

38e98478b13662476a5754902cb7db2d-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, Effectiveness of teaching and learning in DH, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Thu, 02 Jun 2011 22:56:19 +0000 Fantastic summary posts, Dick, thank you for your work tying together much of the conversation so far. Referring to peer-reviewed pedagogical research should be second nature for educators at any level but in […]

16eeb9429049dc1b76f2ce9ba94bfd5d-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, Music Composition: The DH Edition! What counts as "composition" anymore?, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Wed, 18 May 2011 15:23:24 +0000 Well obviously (Blake is my theory professor and edits my compositions–which are to date largely “conventional”) I will be on the guest list for any session relating to this.

I think a great element of this […]

5cfcfef4f8df5937623fd2fa0db6ea8a-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, Session Idea - Class and Professional Websites, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Mon, 16 May 2011 02:10:16 +0000 Sally, this seems to me to be a fundamental session concept for ThatCAMPLac. Because there is a frightening variety of tools out there, teachers run the risk of creating software exhaustion in students who are […]

ab0a4f3cf1269ec63d11f9393393ed6a-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, Multimedia Projects and Lib Ed Competencies, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Mon, 16 May 2011 02:00:23 +0000 Count me in as an enthusiastic consumer of this research, though I know next-to-nothing about it. Our teacher ed department should absolutely be passing this along!

adee05860e6f7f96732fc3ac8132f14a-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, Managing multimedia assignments, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Mon, 16 May 2011 01:51:58 +0000 I actually just went through an educational technology course in St. Norbert’s teacher education program and a number of music courses which could have benefited from more streamlined digital resource management. […]

f02c519031d85d6d0a8933441b3a6084-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, THAT Camp Session Topic Ideas - Digital Media, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Mon, 16 May 2011 01:48:09 +0000 I’m in for #4 as someone who has perhaps spent too much of his past life playing games. Ian Bogost is a smart guy and that article gets the ball rolling.

@Michelle I would love to hear how you use Civ V in the […]

62822201d1ad6a55425246001dc36a2c-en Dave Carroll commented on the post, ThatCamp Session Topic, on the site THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges 2011 Mon, 16 May 2011 01:36:30 +0000 Add me to the list of folks interested in this idea, especially since I’m one of the geeks who is acutely aware of the gaps which still exist in digital fluency between the “adept” and the “just getting by”.
