THATCamp | Tim | Activity Activity feed for Tim. Thu, 20 Feb 2020 22:23:31 +0000 en 30 hourly 2 aa6a7f779fb0d8e60b289f18378e1d39-en Tim commented on the post, Who is working with Drupal? (I am -- here's why), on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:04:50 +0000 As I mentioned to Zach on Twitter, I am using Drupal on a site that will map the WPA Guide to Pennsylvania:

I chose this platform a) for its gmap plugin and b) because I already had some […]

b6f96ea6d648855f7799c4f9bb9fa101-en Tim commented on the post, Travel practicalities?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 Tue, 23 Jun 2009 19:55:10 +0000 I don’t know about driving as an option, but I will have a car that can seat three other people if anyone needs a ride.

Also, anyone else arriving Friday night? Is there any sort of meetup planned?

e59162d7eda77cf13b5d074a4b21e6cd-en Tim commented on the post, From History Student to Webmaster?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 Thu, 11 Jun 2009 17:11:38 +0000 I was a history major at Franklin & Marshall College. Two months after graduation, I began my first full-time job as the College’s assistant web manager. That’s no longer my title, but I still in the same […]

cde78105d3b9d6d400592d954feb7783-en Tim commented on the post, Cebula Proposal for THATCamp, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 Thu, 28 May 2009 03:28:46 +0000 As a current American Studies grad student, I see plenty of room for digital integration in the syllabi that I’ve encountered thus far. I think something as simple as setting up a class blog and requiring students […]

b706f12a8491d77f7b768cd81eff83bb-en Tim commented on the post, Digital History Across the Curriculum, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 Thu, 28 May 2009 03:08:17 +0000 I am currently a student in the American Studies program at Penn State Harrisburg, and I think the faculty there would be thrilled to have some set of guidelines for building a digital skill set. If not, they […]
