Comments on: Vote in the first THATCamp Council election The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 26 Aug 2014 20:15:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda French Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:47:15 +0000 That sounds like a great agenda item for the first THATCamp Council meeting, Cristóbal, and since I’m Chair pro tem until the Council is elected and we appoint a new chair, I can promise you it’ll be there. First meeting will probably be April sometime. A few months ago there was some discussion about adopting the Code4Lib conference anti-harassment policy, and I went so far as to fork it on GitHub: But that’s as far as it’s gotten. Reviewing and adopting that or something like it is a very good idea. Long overdue, most likely.

By: Cristóbal Palmer Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:12:41 +0000 Do the candidates support adopting a template Anti-Harassment Policy or Code of Conduct, such as the one published in this wiki? If so, please share what policies/procedures you would have THATCamp adopt so that individual camps can successfully adopt/enforce an Anti-Harassment policy.

By: Trevor Owens Fri, 21 Mar 2014 03:18:26 +0000 Nice for there to be such a tough call! Lots of faces of folks who have been involved for a long time. Looking forward to see who wins 🙂

By: Patrick Murray-John Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:34:17 +0000 Many thanks to all of you for pursuing being on the Council! Any and all of you would be great for making THATCamp an even better experience for all who attend one, and an even better example of events for fostering creative, generative, disruptive, and building stuff interactions.
