Rwany Sibaja active right now

Director of Social Studies Education and Assistant Professor of History at Appalachian State University. Currently working on a manuscript exploring the articulation, and redefinition, of national and masculine identities in Argentine soccer in the twentieth century. Archiving all my research in Omeka has been extremely useful for writing about and presenting my project. My work in the digital humanities has largely focused on educational projects while working at RRCHNM; however, I would like to continue to explore the impact of new media and digital tools on the teaching, production, research and learning of history in SOTL-type research activities. [Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), 2013-2015. Ph.D. - George Mason University, M.A. -University of North Carolina at Greensboro, B.A. - Elon College (it was smaller back then).]

Twitter: @rwanysibaja
Position/Job Title:Director of History+Social Studies Education, Asst. Professor of History
Organization:Appalachian State University
RCHN Mellon Mellon