THATCamp | Chelcie Rowell | Activity Activity feed for Chelcie Rowell. Wed, 19 Feb 2020 15:54:33 +0000 en 30 hourly 2 2f4102726cc942cbe350faee8d293509-en Chelcie Rowell replied to the topic Can't edit profile though I'm logged in in the forum Technical issues Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:45:27 +0000 Hi there,

I’m also unable to edit my profile! When I log in and visit my profile page at then click Edit I get the message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” Same result if I visit

Many thanks,

c225d6c7904934e3be09e17d827d2a21-en Chelcie Rowell replied to the topic Can't edit profile though I'm logged in in the forum Technical issues Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:45:27 +0000 Hi there,

I’m also unable to edit my profile! When I log in and visit my profile page at then click Edit I get the message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” Same result if I visit

Many thanks,

ba882855505b367b4cc790a77b895e84-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, THATCamp Piedmont Twitter Collection, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Thu, 12 May 2016 16:50:05 +0000 This collection of tweets from THATCamp Piedmont 2016 is a great way to relive the day!

THATCamp Piedmont 2016

c78fcbdc667aded9475e475a9a8d4181-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, Notes for Facilitating Online Discussion session, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Wed, 11 May 2016 19:43:11 +0000 Skeletal notes on facilitating online discussion.

fa472a84405264ae698a80537d3b360e-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, That's a Wrap!, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Wed, 11 May 2016 17:00:33 +0000 Thanks to all participants, planners, & volunteers for making THATCamp Piedmont 2016 such an energizing day of play and co-learning!

Photos by Susan […]

1bcba446dd3610dfe13baa0cffca6d75-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, Omeka Bootcamp, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Wed, 11 May 2016 15:00:37 +0000 Notes for the Omeka bootcamp sessions led by Sharon Leon are courtesy of Sylvia Miller.

c3cde8c988ab7923b3c65a89a3c0e0e4-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, Lightweight Tools for Digitally Inflected Assignments, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Wed, 11 May 2016 11:18:11 +0000 What lightweight digital tools can be incorporated into digitally inflected assignments in humanities courses? How can assignments ask students both to create using these tools and critique the affordances & […]

c34c246c4e3c102e156b0e7707abf80c-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, Preregistration now closed!, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Tue, 10 May 2016 15:51:19 +0000 We’re thrilled to welcome so many people to Wake Forest for THATCamp Piedmont 2016! Pre-registration has now closed. You may still register in person on the morning of the event, but meals will not be i […]

74fcc386220382b42dc42443208da416-en Chelcie Rowell commented on the post, Save the Date!, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Fri, 08 Apr 2016 15:21:06 +0000 Hi Linda, there is no fee to attend THATCamp Piedmont 2016, which is generously sponsored by Wake Forest’s Humanities Institute and ZSR Library. We hope to see you and your colleagues there!

0d3aa581e36ccf86d48f1b5766bb037c-en Chelcie Rowell replied to the topic Server Slowness in the forum Technical issues Thu, 11 Feb 2016 20:06:53 +0000 Many thanks, Amanda and the whole team, for continually working on the maintenance & governance of!

512a60910359c53b788851a0643cdbfa-en Chelcie Rowell replied to the topic Server Slowness in the forum Technical issues Wed, 10 Feb 2016 22:14:25 +0000 Hi THATCamp team,

Like Stuart, I am noticing that performance of our THATCamp website is painfully slow, and I share his concerns about whether it will deter potential attendees.

Is there anything that could be done in the near-ish term to improve performance?

Many thanks,

512a60910359c53b788851a0643cdbfa-en Chelcie Rowell replied to the topic Server Slowness in the forum Technical issues Wed, 10 Feb 2016 22:14:25 +0000 Hi THATCamp team,

Like Stuart, I am noticing that performance of our THATCamp website is painfully slow, and I share his concerns about whether it will deter potential attendees.

Is there anything that could be done in the near-ish term to improve performance?

Many thanks,

146bb92fd2036715977547c2472c7393-en Chelcie Rowell wrote a new post, Save the Date!, on the site THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Mon, 08 Feb 2016 22:46:07 +0000 Who? Anyone with energy and interest in the humanities or technology should attend! Hosted by the Wake Forest University Humanities Institute and Z. Smith Reynolds Library.

What? An unconference focused on the […]
