Mark Souther is associate professor and co-director of the Center for Public History + Digital Humanities (CPHDH) in the Department of History at Cleveland State University. He earned his Ph.D. in history at Tulane University. Souther is the author of New Orleans on Parade: Tourism and the Transformation of the Crescent City (LSU Press, 2006) and several scholarly articles and essays on urban and suburban history, and is co-editor of American Tourism: Constructing a National Tradition (Center for American Places, 2012). He is currently at work on a new book titled Believing in Cleveland: Managing Decline in "The Best Location in the Nation." Souther’s public history experience includes involvement with his colleague Mark Tebeau in multiple U.S. Department of Education-funded Teaching American History grants and in guiding several oral history–based CPHDH projects (including the Euclid Corridor History Project and the Cleveland Historical mobile smartphone app); directing more than 40 student internships; preparing a successful National Register of Historic Places nomination for the largest historic district in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, where he serves on the Cleveland Heights Landmark Commission; and developing and leading numerous walking tours in Richmond, New Orleans, and Cleveland.
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Position/Job Title:Associate Professor of History
Organization:Cleveland State University