Kathie Gossett active right now

I'm an Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities in the English Dept at Iowa State University. I am the former co-director of the CeME Lab at Old Dominion University, an interdisciplinary lab that focused on innovating and enhancing experiences with technology in the humanities. My research interests include user experience, open source design, intellectual property, and medieval rhetoric. (And yes, there is a logical connection between technology and medieval rhetoric!) I have a PhD in New Media and Medieval Rhetoric from the Center for Writing Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Before returning to graduate school I worked in the information technology sector as a project manager, interaction designer, systems designer, Y2K integration manager, web designer/architect, and technical communicator.

Twitter: @gossettphd
Position/Job Title:Asst. Professor of Digital Humanities
Organization:Iowa State University
RCHN Mellon Mellon