Benjamin Wiggins active right now

Benjamin Wiggins is the Director of Digital Learning Initiatives and Online Pedagogies for Online Learning at the University of Pennsylvania. In this position, he oversees the design of pedagogies for massive open online courses (MOOCs), for-credit online courses, and online communities of practice. Benjamin works closely with Penn faculty across disciplines to help them translate their lectures, seminars, assignments, and assessments to myriad online learning environments. He also assists faculty with redesigning their courses to promote structured, active, in-class learning (more commonly known as "flipping" classrooms). Additionally, he curates instructional technologies and oversees the collection of learning analytics for his division. In addition to his role in Online Learning, he teaches in Penn's Department of History and Department of History and Sociology of Science.

Position/Job Title:Director of Digital Learning Initiatives and Online Pedagogies
Organization:University of Pennsylvania
RCHN Mellon Mellon