Ashley Brewer active right now

Web slinger and wrangler at VCU Libraries. Project manager for VCU Libraries Web, UX evangelist and skeptical technologist. Interested in UX design and organizational strategies to build, foster and grow a culture of UX in libraries, higher ed and beyond; diversity and inclusion in libraries and technology, UX design, and fighting algorithmic bias; information architecture; intersectional feminism and social justice. California born and raised, currently living in Richmond, VA, by way of the ATL. Technologist by way of Livejournal, an MLIS and a BA in theater. I've called the South my home for 8 years. I haven't learned to care about college sports or grits for breakfast, but I have started saying "y'all" and can level a devastating "bless your heart." Other labels: musician, singer/songwriter, vegetarian, epicurean, bit of a hippie, easily excited and amused.

Position/Job Title:Web Librarian
Organization:VCU Libraries
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